Hadiths of the innocents (pbuh) contain medical data and a wide variety of topics related to the health of the human body, and a significant amount of them are about the prevention of diseases. Benefiting from medical hadiths, like any collection of information, requires accurate recognition, organization and categorization by relying on the relationships between variables rather than by analytically comparing their similarities, differences, properties, etc. be identified and applied. According to this statement, the question is, which species are there in the medical hadiths of Imam Reza (a.s.)? This research with a descriptive-analytical method in the statistical community of the narrations of Imam Reza (a.s.) in the field of disease prevention, from the medical encyclopedia of Mohammadi Rohimari, which facilitated their study by collecting medical narrations, as well as Jame-al-Ahadith software. It is written to find first-hand sources in the citation The result is that these narrations are classified into three types: "names of diseases, medicines and instructions", "properties of substances and instructions" and "maintaining body health without the name of a specific disease"; Their ratio with the total narratives of the statistical population was measured under each species and presented in the results table.