Volume 8, Issue 1 (2020 2020)                   JRH 2020, 8(1): 99-106 | Back to browse issues page

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Aghajani Kasegari K, Mahdavi Azadboni R, Gasemi Tosi M E. Evaluation of Teachers' Viewpoints on the Role of Religious Belief Training in Mental Health of Female High School Students in Babolsar. JRH 2020; 8 (1) :99-106
URL: http://jrh.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-783-en.html
MA student, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran.
Abstract:   (2720 Views)
Background and Purpose: Despite many valuable researches on religion and health,but the issue of mental health and the ways of presenting religious teachings still need to be studied. One of the possible results of using an improper method in teaching religious beliefs is its impact on psychological health. The aim in this paper is to deal with the role of ways of teaching religious beliefs on psychological health of Babolsar female high school students according to teachers` viewpoint.
Materials and Methods: In this descriptive- survey the study subjects were Babolsar girl high school teachers. In this project, we selected 100 teachers by random sampling method based on Morgan table. We collected data in a questionnaire that Cranach’s alpha coefficient was estimated at 0.911. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and regression tests, using SPSS 16 software.
Results: research revealed that according to teachers’` viewpoint the methods of teaching religious beliefs (storytelling, reasoning, dramatic and allegorical methods) played a significant role on the mental health of Babolsar female high school students. The statistic disclosed that the ways of teaching has74percentage impact on students`sychological health.
Conclusion: The result of the research displays that the promotion of religious teachings in a specific framework can be realized, which if not followed, cannot achieved its aims and may sometimes have opposite results. The test results also indicated the same conclusion.
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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Islamic Psycology

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