Assistant professor, Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Human Sciences, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract: (2765 Views)
Achieving mental health is one of the most basic guidelines of religious teachings, and this will not be possible except with divine attitude. Physically-disabled individuals are one of the most important target groups that can achieve optimal mental attitudes through correct attitudes. Therefore, this research seeks to answer the question “what are the attitudes, presented in religious teachings, for physically-disabled individuals to achieve mental health?” In this research, verses and narratives about attitudes of physically-disabled people were extracted and analyzed through descriptive and analytical method. Religious attitudes toward improving mental health of physically-disabled people are as follows: 1. Physical weakness is one of the examples of divine exams, 2. Problems are relative; there may be more harm than low-grade disease, 3. God has considered many revenues to the physically-disabled people, 4. God is easy when judging physically-disabled individuals. 5. Physical disability is not a sign of sinfulness of a person, 6. Physical disabled has the chance in avoiding sins, 7. Physically-disabled people should not compare themselves with others. The best way to provide the right attitude to physically-disabled people is to have religious attitudes based on which: firstly, they have a positive attitude towards themselves and their god and set of being; secondly, they find this world a place in which they must struggle; thirdly, they enjoy their life by paying attention to their abilities without comparing themselves with others. Fourthly, they would be safe from possible psychological problems. Fifthly, they will be a very useful force for the community.