Volume 2, Issue 2 (2015 2015)                   JRH 2015, 2(2): 19-28 | Back to browse issues page

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Golabi F, Saee M. Study the Rule of Religiousness in Eating Habits and its Social Context in Citizens of Tabriz. JRH 2015; 2 (2) :19-28
URL: http://jrh.mazums.ac.ir/article-1-112-en.html
Department of Social Sciences, University of Tabriz
Abstract:   (5023 Views)

Background and Purpose: The present study aimed to examine the role of religiousness in the social behaviors and eating habits.

Material and Methods: The research method is survey and its statistical population is all inhabitants Tabriz city who are over 15 years old. The sample size is 483 and the sampling method is a multistage cluster sampling. For the analysis of Data, the SPSS software was used. For inferential statistics, Pearson correlation, one-way analysis of variance and independent-samples t test were applied.

 Results: The results of the Pearson Correlation Coefficient between religiousness and eating habits show that there is significant relationship between the two variables at 99% confidence level. Also, the results of the same test between dimensions of religiousness (religious, emotional, ritual, and outcome) and eating habits show that between of dimensions, relation of emotional dimension and eating habits is not significant, by contrast, relation between three other dimensions and eating habits is significant. 

The results of ANOVA between contextual factors (marital status, employment, education and economic class respondents) and eating habits indicate that the mean of respondents’ eating habits in terms of marital status, employment, economic class and education is different.  In other words, they have the same eating habits.

Conclusion: Religion has influences on the action, selection and use of material and cultural life of the individuals. Considering that society is a religious society, its influence on dietary habits is very strong. In this regard, study and understand the influence of religion on dietary patterns and provide a healthy diet is important for consumers.

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Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Sociology

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