- Comparison of Dawkins and Mutahhari's Views on Abortion Based on SWOT Analysis
Atefeh Khazai, Gholamhossein Khedri *, - Analyzing the impact of bioethics on spiritual health on Nahjal-Fasaheh and Nahjal-Balagheh
RAHELEH MOHAMMADBAGHER *, Davood Khoshbavar - A comparative study of spiritual health from the point of view of Zakaria Razi, Polotzin and Allison
Seyed Rahmatollah Mousavimoghadam, Seyed sajad sadatizadeh * - The Moderating Role of Religious Beliefs on the Relationship between self-esteem and spiritual well-being of in High School Students in Sari
Akram Ramezanzadeh, soraya Ramezanzadeh * - Conceptual model of mental rumination in Islamic sources
milad shamakhte, masoud nooralizade * - Creating a savior child under jurisprudence analysis
Maryam Gholami *, Ali Akbar Izadi Fard, Mohammad mehdi Zarei - Investigating the role of clear personality traits, spiritual strength, and basic psychological needs in predicting happiness among students at Islamic Azad University of Zanjan, 1403
masoomeh ahmadi, Hossein Masoumi Jahandizi *, khalil hosenkhani - Mediating Role of Emotional Self-Regulation in the Relationship between Religious Attitude and Adherence to Religious Beliefs with Positive Adolescent Development
fatemeh Bakhtiari, Shahnaz Khaleghipour *
2010/07/1 - New Journal website launched
Accepted Articles
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2025، Volume 12، Number 2
- Print ISSN: 2345-5268
- Online ISSN: 2345-5276
- Director-in-Charge: Dr Rahmatollah Marzband
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Pooria Gill
- Publisher: Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences
Indexing and Abstracting
- Google Scholar
- Academic Jihad Scientific Information Database (SID)
- Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC)
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